Acupuncture is a discipline which is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a system which has been in existence for over 3,000 years. TCM sees illness as imbalance within the body which arises either due to the physical environment or emotional disturbance. Treatments work to restore balance and bring the patient back to good health.
TCM is a holistic system of medicine which views body and mind not as separate entities, with physical issues capable of creating mental or emotional illness and vice versa. It is founded on treating the root causes of illness, not just the symptoms. Furthermore, a core part of its ethos is prevention of illness through strengthening of the body’s constitution thus making it more resilient.
A series of channels cover the body and through these flows vital energy or Qi (pronounced “chee”). The channels reach every area of the body’s surface and internal connections ensure the flow of Qi to all parts of the interior.
Along these channels are the individual acupuncture points and when an acupuncturist inserts a fine needle into one of these they influence the flow of Qi according to the nature of the point used and the way the needle is manipulated.
In TCM health is maintained by the smooth flow of Qi through the channels. When injuries, emotions, disease, stress or poor lifestyle choices disrupt the flow you begin to feel worse and medical symptoms eventually appear.
Restoration of balance is all about restoring normal flows of Qi and this is the basis on which acupuncture works.
My treatments are covered by all of the major Irish private health insurance providers